ams OSRAM Detailed Consensus >> Group
Consensus as of: 2025-02-05

KPI[EUR m]Q4 2023FY 2023Q4 2024 EFY 2024 EQ1 2025 EFY 2025 EFY 2026 E
RevenuesNumber of Estimates131361010
RevenuesConsensus (Mean)908.03,590.0862.03,408.6782.53,312.63,495.8
Gross margin (reported) in %Number of Estimates1010699
Gross margin (reported) in %Highest2827313133
Gross margin (reported) in %Consensus (Mean)25232627272830
Gross margin (reported) in %Median2627272730
Gross margin (reported) in %Lowest2426232627
Gross margin (adjusted) in %Number of Estimates1111699
Gross margin (adjusted) in %Highest3030343436
Gross margin (adjusted) in %Consensus (Mean)29292829293032
Gross margin (adjusted) in %Median2829293032
Gross margin (adjusted) in %Lowest2728262829
EBITDA (reported)Number of Estimates66466
EBITDA (reported)Highest167.0433.0127.4541.2665.9
EBITDA (reported)Consensus (Mean)116.0462.0123.0388.7111.0482.1602.6
EBITDA (reported)Median137.4403.4110.0464.6595.7
EBITDA (reported)Lowest39.4305.496.4443.6552.0
EBITDA margin (reported) in %Number of Estimates66366
EBITDA margin (reported) in %Highest1913161720
EBITDA margin (reported) in %Consensus (Mean)13131411151517
EBITDA margin (reported) in %Median1612161417
EBITDA margin (reported) in %Lowest59131316
EBITDA (adjusted)Number of Estimates1212599
EBITDA (adjusted)Highest158.0583.0140.0675.4765.9
EBITDA (adjusted)Consensus (Mean)150.0604.0144.7569.6131.0603.7706.6
EBITDA (adjusted)Median144.7569.7134.0600.0735.6
EBITDA (adjusted)Lowest130.0555.0110.4535.2601.8
EBITDA margin (adjusted) in %Number of Estimates1212499
EBITDA margin (adjusted) in %Highest1817182122
EBITDA margin (adjusted) in %Consensus (Mean)17171717171820
EBITDA margin (adjusted) in %Median1717171820
EBITDA margin (adjusted) in %Lowest1516161515
EBIT IFRSNumber of Estimates1111699
EBIT IFRSHighest70.0-477.047.4228.5324.0
EBIT IFRSConsensus (Mean)-4.0-1,430.020.1-527.526.6127.4229.1
EBIT IFRSMedian21.6-527.430.6133.5222.0
EBIT IFRSLowest-60.6-607.6-3.628.292.3
EBIT IFRS margin in %Number of Estimates1111599
EBIT IFRS margin in %Highest8-14679
EBIT IFRS margin in %Consensus (Mean)0-402-15446
EBIT IFRS margin in %Median2-15447
EBIT IFRS margin in %Lowest-7-18213
Operating result (EBIT) (adjusted)Number of Estimates121261010
Operating result (EBIT) (adjusted)Highest80.0262.059.4295.4400.0
Operating result (EBIT) (adjusted)Consensus (Mean)62.0233.060.4242.447.3253.5347.7
Operating result (EBIT) (adjusted)Median59.6242.047.2261.1354.8
Operating result (EBIT) (adjusted)Lowest39.7221.726.4166.9277.9
EBIT margin (adjusted) in %Number of Estimates121251010
EBIT margin (adjusted) in %Highest988911
EBIT margin (adjusted) in %Consensus (Mean)77777810
EBIT margin (adjusted) in %Median776810
EBIT margin (adjusted) in %Lowest57658
EPS IFRS (diluted)Number of Estimates1010588
EPS IFRS (diluted)Highest0.56-6.810.090.381.52
EPS IFRS (diluted)Consensus (Mean)-1.80-52.00-0.21-7.58-0.19-0.710.31
EPS IFRS (diluted)Median-0.10-7.47-0.05-0.990.33
EPS IFRS (diluted)Lowest-0.85-8.19-0.54-1.82-1.20
EPS adj. (diluted)Number of Estimates99588
EPS adj. (diluted)Highest0.460.480.121.512.16
EPS adj. (diluted)Consensus (Mean)-0.301.600.
EPS adj. (diluted)Median0.
EPS adj. (diluted)Lowest-0.14-0.12-0.23-0.170.70
CAPEXNumber of Estimates1010499
CAPEXConsensus (Mean)-222.0-1,049.0-107.4-505.4-78.3-341.8-332.7
Operating cash flowNumber of Estimates99488
Operating cash flowHighest277.3633.3153.1511.5657.2
Operating cash flowConsensus (Mean)34.0493.0110.6466.6106.7457.8532.3
Operating cash flowMedian84.4440.4111.8481.4574.5
Operating cash flowLowest-7.0349.050.0340.0329.3
Free cash flow Number of Estimates66355
Free cash flow Highest113.3122.378.1234.7288.9
Free cash flow Consensus (Mean)-125.0-332.059.668.628.9116.2186.9
Free cash flow Median67.276.248.682.1179.0
Free cash flow Lowest-30.4-21.4-40.026.6106.9

This document has been issued by Vara Research GmbH for information purposes only and is not intended to constitute investment advice. It is based on estimates and forecasts of various analysts regarding revenues, earnings and business developments of the relevant company. The company did not participate in the compilation of the estimates and it does not endorse them. Such estimates and forecasts cannot be independently verified by reason of the subjective character. Vara Research GmbH gives no guarantee, representation or warranty and is not responsible or liable as to its accuracy and completeness.