Detailed Consensus
Last Update: 2025-01-30

KPIin EUR millionQ4 2023FY 2023Q4 2024 EFY 2024 EFY 2025 EFY 2026 E
Net salesNumber of Estimates16161616
Net salesHighest1,2164,2724,5064,758
Net salesConsensus1,1774,1971,1984,2564,4354,631
Net salesLowest1,1824,2404,3414,428
Gross profit Number of Estimates15151515
Gross profit Highest7592,6392,8032,981
Gross profit Consensus7242,5817432,6232,7532,893
Gross profit Lowest7272,6072,6962,759
Gross profit in % of salesNumber of Estimates15151515
Gross profit in % of salesHighest63.362.062.763.4
Gross profit in % of salesConsensus61.561.562.061.662.162.5
Gross profit in % of salesLowest61.561.561.761.8
EBIT reportedNumber of Estimates16161616
EBIT reportedHighest148383464541
EBIT reportedConsensus121410126361414464
EBIT reportedLowest118352373390
EBIT reported in % of salesNumber of Estimates16161616
EBIT reported in % of salesHighest12.49.010.411.5
EBIT reported in % of salesConsensus10.39.810.58.59.310.0
EBIT reported in % of salesLowest9.
Financial resultNumber of Estimates15151515
Financial resultHighest-7-53-49-45
Financial resultConsensus-14-53-12-58-56-55
Financial resultLowest-18-64-66-66
Earnings before taxesNumber of Estimates15151515
Earnings before taxesHighest142331413490
Earnings before taxesConsensus107357115304360411
Earnings before taxesLowest103292320336
Income taxesNumber of Estimates15151515
Income taxesHighest-19-72-78-82
Income taxesConsensus-17-87-27-80-95-108
Income taxesLowest-37-90-113-137
Net incomeNumber of Estimates15151515
Net incomeHighest105241304360
Net incomeConsensus9027087223265303
Net incomeLowest74210242254
Net income attributable to shareholdersNumber of Estimates16161616
Net income attributable to shareholdersHighest98228290346
Net income attributable to shareholdersConsensus8525883213253289
Net income attributable to shareholdersLowest68198230242
Earnings per share (in Euro)Number of Estimates16161616
Earnings per share (in Euro)Highest1.433.314.195.01
Earnings per share (in Euro)Consensus1.233.741.213.093.674.19
Earnings per share (in Euro)Lowest0.982.863.333.50
Dividend per share (in Euro)Number of Estimates-151515
Dividend per share (in Euro)Highest-1.351.602.00
Dividend per share (in Euro)Consensus-1.35-1.211.411.62
Dividend per share (in Euro)Lowest-

Provided by

Vara Research


This document has been issued by Vara Research GmbH for information purposes only and is not intended to constitute investment advice. It is based on estimates and forecasts of various analysts regarding revenues, earnings and business developments of the relevant company. The company did not participate in the compilation of the estimates and it does not endorse them. Such estimates and forecasts cannot be independently verified by reason of the subjective character. Vara Research GmbH gives no guarantee, representation or warranty and is not responsible or liable as to its accuracy and completeness.