Kemira Detailed Consensus >> Group
Consensus as of: 2025-01-14 (Last Update: 2025-01-23)

KPI[EUR m]Q4 2023FY 2023Q4 2024 EFY 2024 EFY 2025 EFY 2026 E
RevenueNumber of Estimates10101010
RevenueConsensus (Mean)690.22,889.0713.82,933.82,970.23,050.6
Operative EBITDANumber of Estimates10101010
Operative EBITDAHighest149.5600.0605.0623.0
Operative EBITDAConsensus (Mean)149.3595.9141.5591.5577.5588.9
Operative EBITDAMedian141.4591.8575.6594.5
Operative EBITDALowest134.6585.0549.0535.0
Margin in % Number of Estimates10101010
Margin in % Highest20.720.420.220.4
Margin in % Consensus (Mean)21.620.619.820.219.419.3
Margin in % Median19.820.119.419.3
Margin in % Lowest18.919.918.418.0
Operative EBIT (excl. non-recurring items)Number of Estimates10101010
Operative EBIT (excl. non-recurring items)Highest103.7416.0410.4422.0
Operative EBIT (excl. non-recurring items)Consensus (Mean)103.7415.595.2407.1389.1397.9
Operative EBIT (excl. non-recurring items)Median95.5407.0389.9405.2
Operative EBIT (excl. non-recurring items)Lowest88.6401.0362.0351.0
EBITNumber of Estimates10101010
EBITConsensus (Mean)1.3336.494.2390.4384.8393.5
Net financial itemsNumber of Estimates10101010
Net financial itemsHighest-6.8-28.7-21.6-15.6
Net financial itemsConsensus (Mean)-11.6-44.4-8.0-29.9-27.4-24.2
Net financial itemsMedian-7.4-29.2-29.0-26.6
Net financial itemsLowest-13.2-35.0-30.0-30.0
Profit before taxNumber of Estimates10101010
Profit before taxHighest96.9371.0387.2398.5
Profit before taxConsensus (Mean)-10.3292.086.2360.4357.4369.4
Profit before taxMedian88.1362.3358.7377.1
Profit before taxLowest72.6347.0331.0325.0
Net profit attributable to equity holders of the parent companyNumber of Estimates10101010
Net profit attributable to equity holders of the parent companyHighest72.6298.0286.9296.0
Net profit attributable to equity holders of the parent companyConsensus (Mean)-30.2199.165.0269.9267.6276.7
Net profit attributable to equity holders of the parent companyMedian66.3269.0265.1279.3
Net profit attributable to equity holders of the parent companyLowest54.6256.0246.0240.0
Number of sharesNumber of Estimates10101010
Number of sharesHighest153.7153.7153.7153.7
Number of sharesConsensus (Mean)153.6153.6153.7153.7153.7153.7
Number of sharesMedian153.7153.7153.7153.7
Number of sharesLowest153.7153.7153.7153.7
EPS reported (in Euro)Number of Estimates10101010
EPS reported (in Euro)Highest0.471.941.871.93
EPS reported (in Euro)Consensus (Mean)-0.201.300.421.751.741.80
EPS reported (in Euro)Median0.431.741.721.81
EPS reported (in Euro)Lowest0.361.671.601.56
Operative EPS (excl. non-recurring items)Number of Estimates10101010
Operative EPS (excl. non-recurring items)Highest0.472.041.871.96
Operative EPS (excl. non-recurring items)Consensus (Mean)0.471.820.431.861.771.82
Operative EPS (excl. non-recurring items)Median0.431.841.761.85
Operative EPS (excl. non-recurring items)Lowest0.351.761.651.56
DPS (in Euro)Number of Estimates-101010
DPS (in Euro)Highest-0.750.800.86
DPS (in Euro)Consensus (Mean)-0.68-0.700.730.76
DPS (in Euro)Median-0.720.760.79
DPS (in Euro)Lowest-0.530.530.53
Capital expendituresNumber of Estimates-101010
Capital expendituresHighest--135.0-170.0-163.0
Capital expendituresConsensus (Mean)-66.1-187.7--184.7-214.3-213.3
Capital expendituresMedian--190.0-212.5-215.0
Capital expendituresLowest--211.0-250.0-250.0

This document has been issued by Vara Research GmbH for information purposes only and is not intended to constitute investment advice. It is based on estimates and forecasts of various analysts regarding revenues, earnings and business developments of the relevant company. The company did not participate in the compilation of the estimates and it does not endorse them. Such estimates and forecasts cannot be independently verified by reason of the subjective character. Vara Research GmbH gives no guarantee, representation or warranty and is not responsible or liable as to its accuracy and completeness.