Cargotec Rating Overview
Consensus as of: 2024-10-30 (Last Update: 2024-12-08)

Earlier ratings may refer to Cargotec prior to the demerger.

Broker Current Previous Change Up-/Downside Last Update
DNB Markets 60.00 57.00 5.3% 9.2%
Exane BNP Paribas 51.00 48.00 6.3% -7.2%
Handelsbanken 47.00 45.00 4.4% -14.4%
Inderes 51.00 44.00 15.9% -7.2%
OP Corporate Bank 52.00 51.00 2.0% -5.3%
SEB Enskilda 58.00 57.00 1.8% 5.6%
Broker Current Previous Change Last Update
DNB Markets Buy Buy No 2024-10-23
Exane BNP Paribas Neutral Neutral No 2024-10-14
Handelsbanken Underperform Underperform No 2024-10-24
Inderes Sell Sell No 2024-10-24
OP Corporate Bank Reduce Reduce No 2024-10-24
SEB Enskilda Hold Buy Yes 2024-10-23
Negative: 3, Neutral: 4, Positive: 2 (Total: 9)
-1 +1
Target Prices (EUR) Recommendations
BrokerCurrentPreviousChange Up-/Downside CurrentPreviousChange Last Update
DNB Markets 60.00 57.00 5.3% 9.2%
Buy Buy No 2024-10-23
Exane BNP Paribas 51.00 48.00 6.3% -7.2%
Neutral Neutral No 2024-10-14
Handelsbanken 47.00 45.00 4.4% -14.4%
Underperform Underperform No 2024-10-24
Inderes 51.00 44.00 15.9% -7.2%
Sell Sell No 2024-10-24
OP Corporate Bank 52.00 51.00 2.0% -5.3%
Reduce Reduce No 2024-10-24
SEB Enskilda 58.00 57.00 1.8% 5.6%
Hold Buy Yes 2024-10-23
>10% upside
10% upside to 10% downside
>10% downside
Target Prices Summary
Current Up-/Downside
Price, last closing 54.93
Number of Estimates 8
Highest 60.00 9.2%
Average 54.00 -1.7%
Median 53.00 -3.5%
Lowest 47.00 -14.4%
All prices in EUR
Recommendations Summary
# Current Of Total
Positive 2 22.2%
Neutral 4 44.4%
Negative 3 33.3%
Total 9
Target Price Analysis (EUR)
# = Number of estimates
Recommendations in %
# = Number of estimates

This document has been issued by Vara Research GmbH for information purposes only and is not intended to constitute investment advice. It is based on estimates and forecasts of various analysts regarding revenues, earnings and business developments of the relevant company. The company did not participate in the compilation of the estimates and it does not endorse them. Such estimates and forecasts cannot be independently verified by reason of the subjective character. Vara Research GmbH gives no guarantee, representation or warranty and is not responsible or liable as to its accuracy and completeness.