Analyst Estimates as of April 19, 2024



KPIin € millionQ1 2024 EFY 2024 EFY 2025 E
SalesNo of Est.101717
EBITDA reportedNo of Est.111818
EBITDA reportedHighest173.0945.01,345.0
EBITDA reportedAverage150.2788.41,065.6
EBITDA reportedLowest136.5697.0834.0
EBIT reportedNo of Est.71616
EBIT reportedHighest66.0462.0768.1
EBIT reportedAverage45.1333.1576.7
EBIT reportedLowest32.0211.0371.0
Net income for the period reportedNo of Est.51616
Net income for the period reportedHighest46.0352.0565.7
Net income for the period reportedAverage31.9235.6420.5
Net income for the period reportedLowest24.1124.3294.0
EPS reportedNo of Est.81717
EPS reportedHighest0.936.6811.39
EPS reportedAverage0.524.588.36
EPS reportedLowest0.312.215.62
Target Prices (in €)
No of Est. 18
Highest 178.00
Average 125.89
Lowest 103.00
Positive 55.6%
Neutral 38.9%
Negative 5.6%

Provided by

Vara Research


The content shown above and on vara research's website is provided by vara research and does not serve the purpose of providing investment advisory. The consensus estimates are based exclusively on analyses by financial analysts who are independent of wacker chemie ag. Any opinions, forecasts, estimates, projections or predictions regarding the performance of wacker chemie ag made by the analysts, which are ultimately represented by the figures of the consensus estimates, only reflect their view and do not represent the opinions, forecasts, estimates, projections or predictions of wacker chemie ag or its management.